By now, EL James is a household name. But does the name Snowqueens Icedragon sound familiar? Icegragon is the author of a sexed up version of Twilight based online at The names have changed but the story remains the same- minus the vampires. 50 Shades of Grey author, EL James, got her start under the icy pen name, writing fan fiction based on Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novels.
The concept of fan fiction is not new. Anne Jamison, an English professor at the University of Utah who taught a unit on the "Twilight" fandom, says it stretches back at least to the early 1900s and the stories of Sherlock Holmes, said "There was fan fiction before you called it fan fiction," she said, "and before there was copyright it was called writing." Twilight fan fiction is the most popular on with nearly 200,00 contributions. Harry Potter fiction follows in second place and now, fan fiction for James’ wildly popular “kinky f*ckery” series comes (no pun intended) in third. "I'm immensely flattered, and it's humbling to know my work is inspiring others to write," James said in a statement less than three months after "Fifty Shades" was published ...
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